Source code for someip.header

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import asyncio
import dataclasses
import enum
import ipaddress
import struct
import socket
import typing

    from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    cached_property = property  # type: ignore[misc,assignment]

import someip.utils

T = typing.TypeVar("T", ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address)
_T_SOCKNAME = typing.Union[typing.Tuple[str, int], typing.Tuple[str, int, int, int]]

SD_METHOD = 0x8100

[docs]class ParseError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class IncompleteReadError(ParseError): pass
def _unpack(fmt, buf): if len(buf) < fmt.size: raise IncompleteReadError( f"can not parse {fmt.format!r}, got only {len(buf)} bytes" ) return fmt.unpack(buf[: fmt.size]), buf[fmt.size :]
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPHeader: """ Represents a top-level SOMEIP packet (header and payload). """ __format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] = struct.Struct("!HHIHHBBBB") service_id: int method_id: int client_id: int session_id: int interface_version: int message_type: SOMEIPMessageType protocol_version: int = 1 return_code: SOMEIPReturnCode = SOMEIPReturnCode.E_OK payload: bytes = b"" @property def description(self): # pragma: nocover return f"""service: 0x{self.service_id:04x} method: 0x{self.method_id:04x} client: 0x{self.client_id:04x} session: 0x{self.session_id:04x} protocol: {self.protocol_version} interface: 0x{self.interface_version:02x} message: {} return code: {} payload: {len(self.payload)} bytes""" def __str__(self): # pragma: nocover return ( f"service=0x{self.service_id:04x}, method=0x{self.method_id:04x}," f" client=0x{self.client_id:04x}, session=0x{self.session_id:04x}," f" protocol={self.protocol_version}," f" interface=0x{self.interface_version:02x}," f" message={}, returncode={}," f" payload: {len(self.payload)} bytes" ) @classmethod def _parse_header( cls, parsed ) -> typing.Tuple[int, typing.Callable[[bytes], SOMEIPHeader]]: sid, mid, size, cid, sessid, pv, iv, mt_b, rc_b = parsed if pv != 1: raise ParseError(f"bad someip protocol version 0x{pv:02x}, expected 0x01") try: mt = SOMEIPMessageType(mt_b) except ValueError as exc: raise ParseError("bad someip message type {mt_b:#x}") from exc try: rc = SOMEIPReturnCode(rc_b) except ValueError as exc: raise ParseError("bad someip return code {rc_b:#x}") from exc if size < 8: raise ParseError("SOMEIP length must be at least 8") return ( size, lambda payload_b: cls( service_id=sid, method_id=mid, client_id=cid, session_id=sessid, protocol_version=pv, interface_version=iv, message_type=mt, return_code=rc, payload=payload_b, ), )
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, buf: bytes) -> typing.Tuple[SOMEIPHeader, bytes]: """ parses SOMEIP packet in `buf` :param buf: buffer containing SOMEIP packet :raises IncompleteReadError: if the buffer did not contain enough data to unpack the SOMEIP packet. Either there was less data than one SOMEIP header length, or the size in the header was too big :raises ParseError: if the packet contained invalid data, such as an unknown message type or return code :return: tuple (S, B) where S is the parsed :class:`SOMEIPHeader` instance and B is the unparsed rest of `buf` """ parsed, buf_rest = _unpack(cls.__format, buf) size, builder = cls._parse_header(parsed) if len(buf_rest) < size - 8: raise IncompleteReadError( f"packet too short, expected {size+4}, got {len(buf)}" ) payload_b, buf_rest = buf_rest[: size - 8], buf_rest[size - 8 :] parsed = builder(payload_b) return parsed, buf_rest
[docs] @classmethod async def read(cls, reader: asyncio.StreamReader) -> SOMEIPHeader: """ reads a SOMEIP packet from `reader`. Waits until one full SOMEIP packet is available from the stream. :param reader: (usually TCP) stream to parse into SOMEIP packets :raises ParseError: if the packet contained invalid data, such as an unknown message type or return code :return: the parsed :class:`SOMEIPHeader` instance """ hdr_b = await reader.readexactly(cls.__format.size) parsed = cls.__format.unpack(hdr_b) size, builder = cls._parse_header(parsed) payload_b = await reader.readexactly(size - 8) return builder(payload_b)
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ builds the byte representation of this SOMEIP packet. :raises struct.error: if any attribute was out of range for serialization :return: the byte representation """ size = len(self.payload) + 8 hdr = self.__format.pack( self.service_id, self.method_id, size, self.client_id, self.session_id, self.protocol_version, self.interface_version, self.message_type.value, self.return_code.value, ) return hdr + self.payload
[docs]class SOMEIPReader: """ Wrapper class around :class:`asyncio.StreamReader` that returns parsed :class:`SOMEIPHeader` from :meth:`read` """ def __init__(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader): self.reader = reader
[docs] async def read(self) -> typing.Optional[SOMEIPHeader]: return await
[docs] def at_eof(self): return self.reader.at_eof()
[docs]class SOMEIPSDEntryType(enum.IntEnum): FindService = 0 OfferService = 1 Subscribe = 6 SubscribeAck = 7
def _find(haystack, needle): """Return the index at which the sequence needle appears in the sequence haystack, or -1 if it is not found, using the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm. The elements of needle and haystack must be hashable. >>> find([1, 1, 2], [1, 2]) 1 from """ h = len(haystack) n = len(needle) skip = {needle[i]: n - i - 1 for i in range(n - 1)} i = n - 1 while i < h: for j in range(n): if haystack[i - j] != needle[-j - 1]: i += skip.get(haystack[i], n) break else: return i - n + 1 return None
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPSDEntry: """ Represents an Entry in SOMEIP SD packets. :param sd_type: :param service_id: :param instance_id: :param major_version: :param ttl: :param minver_or_counter: service minor version or eventgroup id and counter value :param options_1: resolved options that apply to this entry (run 1) :param options_2: resolved options that apply to this entry (run 2) :param option_index_1: option index (for unresolved options, run 1) :param option_index_2: option index (for unresolved options, run 2) :param num_options_1: number of option (for unresolved options, run 1) :param num_options_2: number of option (for unresolved options, run 2) """ __format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] = struct.Struct("!BBBBHHBBHI") sd_type: SOMEIPSDEntryType service_id: int instance_id: int major_version: int ttl: int minver_or_counter: int options_1: typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, ...] = () options_2: typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, ...] = () option_index_1: typing.Optional[int] = None option_index_2: typing.Optional[int] = None num_options_1: typing.Optional[int] = None num_options_2: typing.Optional[int] = None def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: nocover if self.sd_type in ( SOMEIPSDEntryType.FindService, SOMEIPSDEntryType.OfferService, ): version = f"{self.major_version}.{self.service_minor_version}" elif self.sd_type in ( SOMEIPSDEntryType.Subscribe, SOMEIPSDEntryType.SubscribeAck, ): version = ( f"{self.major_version}, eventgroup_counter={self.eventgroup_counter}," f" eventgroup_id={self.eventgroup_id}" ) if self.options_resolved: s_options_1 = ", ".join(str(o) for o in self.options_1) s_options_2 = ", ".join(str(o) for o in self.options_2) else: oi1 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_1) oi2 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_2) no1 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_1) no2 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_2) s_options_1 = repr(range(oi1, oi1 + no1)) s_options_2 = repr(range(oi2, oi2 + no2)) return ( f"type={}, service=0x{self.service_id:04x}," f" instance=0x{self.instance_id:04x}, version={version}, ttl={self.ttl}, " f" options_1=[{s_options_1}], options_2=[{s_options_2}]" ) @cached_property def options(self) -> typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, ...]: """ convenience wrapper contains merged :attr:`options_1` and :attr:`options_2` """ return self.options_1 + self.options_2 @property def options_resolved(self) -> bool: """ indicates if the options on this instance are resolved """ return ( self.option_index_1 is None or self.option_index_2 is None or self.num_options_1 is None or self.num_options_2 is None )
[docs] def resolve_options( self, options: typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, ...] ) -> SOMEIPSDEntry: """ resolves this entry's options with option list from containing :class:`SOMEIPSDHeader`. :return: a new :class:`SOMEIPSDEntry` instance with resolved options """ if self.options_resolved: raise ValueError("options already resolved") oi1 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_1) oi2 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_2) no1 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_1) no2 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_2) return dataclasses.replace( self, options_1=options[oi1 : oi1 + no1], options_2=options[oi2 : oi2 + no2], option_index_1=None, option_index_2=None, num_options_1=None, num_options_2=None, )
@staticmethod def _assign_option(entry_options, hdr_options) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]: if not entry_options: return (0, 0) no = len(entry_options) oi = _find(hdr_options, entry_options) if oi is None: oi = len(hdr_options) hdr_options.extend(entry_options) return oi, no
[docs] def assign_option_index( self, options: typing.List[SOMEIPSDOption] ) -> SOMEIPSDEntry: """ assigns option indexes, optionally inserting new options to the given option list. Index assignment is done in a simple manner by searching if a slice exists in `options` that matches the option runs (:attr:`options_1` and :attr:`options_2`). :return: a new :class:`SOMEIPSDEntry` instance with assigned options indexes """ if not self.options_resolved: return dataclasses.replace(self) # pragma: nocover oi1, no1 = self._assign_option(self.options_1, options) oi2, no2 = self._assign_option(self.options_2, options) return dataclasses.replace( self, option_index_1=oi1, option_index_2=oi2, num_options_1=no1, num_options_2=no2, options_1=(), options_2=(), )
@property def service_minor_version(self) -> int: """ the service minor version :raises TypeError: if this entry is not a FindService or OfferService """ if self.sd_type not in ( SOMEIPSDEntryType.FindService, SOMEIPSDEntryType.OfferService, ): raise TypeError( f"SD entry is type {self.sd_type}," " does not have service_minor_version" ) return self.minver_or_counter @property def eventgroup_counter(self) -> int: """ the eventgroup counter :raises TypeError: if this entry is not a Subscribe or SubscribeAck """ if self.sd_type not in ( SOMEIPSDEntryType.Subscribe, SOMEIPSDEntryType.SubscribeAck, ): raise TypeError( f"SD entry is type {self.sd_type}, does not have eventgroup_counter" ) return (self.minver_or_counter >> 16) & 0x0F @property def eventgroup_id(self) -> int: """ the eventgroup id :raises TypeError: if this entry is not a Subscribe or SubscribeAck """ if self.sd_type not in ( SOMEIPSDEntryType.Subscribe, SOMEIPSDEntryType.SubscribeAck, ): raise TypeError( f"SD entry is type {self.sd_type}, does not have eventgroup_id" ) return self.minver_or_counter & 0xFFFF
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, buf: bytes, num_options: int) -> typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDEntry, bytes]: """ parses SOMEIP SD entry in `buf` :param buf: buffer containing SOMEIP SD entry :param num_options: number of known options in containing :class:`SOMEIPSDHeader` :raises ParseError: if the buffer did not parse as a SOMEIP SD entry, e.g., due to an unknown entry type or out-of-bounds option indexes :return: tuple (S, B) where S is the parsed :class:`SOMEIPSDEntry` instance and B is the unparsed rest of `buf` """ ( (sd_type_b, oi1, oi2, numopt, sid, iid, majv, ttl_hi, ttl_lo, val), buf_rest, ) = _unpack(cls.__format, buf) try: sd_type = SOMEIPSDEntryType(sd_type_b) except ValueError as exc: raise ParseError("bad someip sd entry type {sd_type_b:#x}") from exc no1 = numopt >> 4 no2 = numopt & 0x0F ttl = (ttl_hi << 16) | ttl_lo if oi1 + no1 > num_options: raise ParseError( f"SD entry options_1 ({oi1}:{oi1+no1}) out of range ({num_options})" ) if oi2 + no2 > num_options: raise ParseError( f"SD entry options_2 ({oi2}:{oi2+no2}) out of range ({num_options})" ) if sd_type in (SOMEIPSDEntryType.Subscribe, SOMEIPSDEntryType.SubscribeAck): if val & 0xFFF00000: raise ParseError( "expected counter and eventgroup_id to be 4 + 16-bit" " with 12 upper bits zeros" ) parsed = cls( sd_type=sd_type, option_index_1=oi1, option_index_2=oi2, num_options_1=no1, num_options_2=no2, service_id=sid, instance_id=iid, major_version=majv, ttl=ttl, minver_or_counter=val, ) return parsed, buf_rest
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this entry. :raises ValueError: if the option indexes on this entry were not resolved. see :meth:`assign_option_index` :raises struct.error: if any attribute was out of range for serialization :return: the byte representation """ if self.options_resolved: raise ValueError("option indexes must be assigned before building") oi1 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_1) oi2 = typing.cast(int, self.option_index_2) no1 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_1) no2 = typing.cast(int, self.num_options_2) return self.__format.pack( self.sd_type.value, oi1, oi2, (no1 << 4) | no2, self.service_id, self.instance_id, self.major_version, self.ttl >> 16, self.ttl & 0xFFFF, self.minver_or_counter, )
[docs]class SOMEIPSDOption(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class representing SD options """ __format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] = struct.Struct("!HB") _options: typing.ClassVar[ typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[SOMEIPSDAbstractOption]] ] = {}
[docs] @classmethod def register( cls, option_cls: typing.Type[SOMEIPSDAbstractOption] ) -> typing.Type[SOMEIPSDAbstractOption]: """ Decorator for SD option classes, to register them for option parsing, identified by their :attr:`SOMEIPSDAbstractOption.type` members. """ cls._options[option_cls.type] = option_cls return option_cls
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, buf: bytes) -> typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, bytes]: """ parses SOMEIP SD option in `buf`. Options with unknown types will be parsed as :class:`SOMEIPSDUnknownOption`, known types will be parsed to their registered types. :param buf: buffer containing SOMEIP SD option :raises ParseError: if the buffer did not parse as a SOMEIP SD option, e.g., due to out-of-bounds lengths or the specific :meth:`SOMEIPSDAbstractOption.parse_option` failed :return: tuple (S, B) where S is the parsed :class:`SOMEIPSDOption` instance and B is the unparsed rest of `buf` """ (len_b, type_b), buf_rest = _unpack(cls.__format, buf) if len(buf_rest) < len_b: raise ParseError( f"option data too short, expected {len_b}, got {buf_rest!r}" ) opt_b, buf_rest = buf_rest[:len_b], buf_rest[len_b:] opt_cls = cls._options.get(type_b) if not opt_cls: return SOMEIPSDUnknownOption(type=type_b, payload=opt_b), buf_rest return opt_cls.parse_option(opt_b), buf_rest
[docs] def build_option(self, type_b: int, buf: bytes) -> bytes: """ Helper for SD option classes to build the byte representation of their option. :param type_b: option type identifier :param buf: buffer SD option data :raises struct.error: if the buffer is too big to be represented, or `type_b` is out of range :return: the byte representation """ return self.__format.pack(len(buf), type_b) + buf
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this option, must be implemented by actual options. Should use :meth:`build_option` to build the option header. :raises struct.error: if any attribute was out of range for serialization :return: the byte representation """ ...
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPSDUnknownOption(SOMEIPSDOption): """ Received options with unknown option types are parsed as this generic class. :param type: the type identifier for this unknown option :param payload: the option payload """ type: int payload: bytes
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this option. :raises struct.error: if :attr:`payload` is too big to be represented, or :attr:`type` is out of range :return: the byte representation """ return self.build_option(self.type, self.payload)
[docs]class SOMEIPSDAbstractOption(SOMEIPSDOption): """ Base class for specific option implementations. """ type: typing.ClassVar[int] """ Class variable. Used to differentiate SD option types when parsing. See :meth:`SOMEIPSDOption.register` and :meth:`SOMEIPSDOption.parse` """
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def parse_option(cls, buf: bytes) -> SOMEIPSDAbstractOption: """ parses SD option payload in `buf`. :param buf: buffer containing SOMEIP SD option data :raises ParseError: if this option type fails to parse `buf` :return: the parsed instance """ ...
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPSDLoadBalancingOption(SOMEIPSDAbstractOption): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 2 priority: int weight: int
[docs] @classmethod def parse_option(cls, buf: bytes) -> SOMEIPSDLoadBalancingOption: if len(buf) != 5: raise ParseError( f"SD load balancing option with wrong payload length {len(buf)} != 5" ) prio, weight = struct.unpack("!HH", buf[1:]) return cls(priority=prio, weight=weight)
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this option. :raises struct.error: if :attr:`payload` is too big to be represented, or :attr:`type` is out of range :return: the byte representation """ return self.build_option( self.type, struct.pack("!BHH", 0, self.priority, self.weight) )
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPSDConfigOption(SOMEIPSDAbstractOption): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 1 configs: typing.Tuple[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Optional[str]], ...]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_option(cls, buf: bytes) -> SOMEIPSDConfigOption: if len(buf) < 2: raise ParseError( f"SD config option with wrong payload length {len(buf)} < 2" ) b = buf[1:] nextlen, b = b[0], b[1:] configs: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Optional[str]]] = [] while nextlen != 0: if len(b) < nextlen + 1: raise ParseError( f"SD config option length {nextlen} too big for remaining" f" option buffer {b!r}" ) cfg_str, b = b[:nextlen], b[nextlen:] split = cfg_str.find(b"=") if split == -1: configs.append((cfg_str.decode("ascii"), None)) else: key, value = cfg_str[:split], cfg_str[split + 1 :] configs.append((key.decode("ascii"), value.decode("ascii"))) nextlen, b = b[0], b[1:] return cls(configs=tuple(configs))
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this option. :raises struct.error: if :attr:`payload` is too big to be represented, or :attr:`type` is out of range :return: the byte representation """ buf = bytearray([0]) for k, v in self.configs: if v is not None: buf.append(len(k) + len(v) + 1) buf += k.encode("ascii") buf += b"=" buf += v.encode("ascii") else: buf.append(len(k)) buf += k.encode("ascii") buf.append(0) return self.build_option(self.type, buf)
[docs]class L4Protocols(enum.IntEnum): """ Enum for valid layer 4 protocol identifiers. """ TCP = socket.IPPROTO_TCP UDP = socket.IPPROTO_UDP
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class AbstractIPOption(SOMEIPSDAbstractOption, typing.Generic[T]): """ Abstract base class for options with IP payloads. Generalizes parsing and building based on :attr:`_format`, :attr:`_address_type` and :attr:`_family`. """ _format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] _address_type: typing.ClassVar[typing.Type[typing.Any]] _family: typing.ClassVar[socket.AddressFamily] address: T l4proto: typing.Union[L4Protocols, int] port: int
[docs] @classmethod def parse_option(cls, buf: bytes) -> AbstractIPOption[T]: if len(buf) != cls._format.size: raise ParseError( f"{cls.__name__} with wrong payload length {len(buf)} != 9" ) r1, addr_b, r2, l4proto_b, port = cls._format.unpack(buf) addr = cls._address_type(addr_b) try: l4proto = L4Protocols(l4proto_b) except ValueError: l4proto = l4proto_b return cls(address=addr, l4proto=l4proto, port=port)
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ build the byte representation of this option. :raises struct.error: if :attr:`payload` is too big to be represented, or :attr:`type` is out of range :return: the byte representation """ payload = self._format.pack(0, self.address.packed, 0, self.l4proto, self.port) return self.build_option(self.type, payload)
[docs] async def addrinfo(self) -> _T_SOCKNAME: """ return address info for this IP option for use in socket-based functions, e.g., :meth:`socket.connect` or :meth:`socket.sendto`. :raises socket.gaierror: if the call to `getaddrinfo` failed or returned no result :returns: the first resolved sockaddr tuple """ addr = await someip.utils.getfirstaddrinfo( str(self.address), self.port, family=self._family, proto=self.l4proto, flags=socket.AI_NUMERICHOST | socket.AI_NUMERICSERV, ) return typing.cast(_T_SOCKNAME, addr[4])
[docs]class EndpointOption(AbstractIPOption[T]): """ Abstract base class for endpoint options (IPv4 or IPv6). """ pass
[docs]class MulticastOption(AbstractIPOption[T]): """ Abstract base class for multicast options (IPv4 or IPv6). """ pass
[docs]class SDEndpointOption(AbstractIPOption[T]): """ Abstract base class for SD Endpoint options (IPv4 or IPv6). """ pass
[docs]class AbstractIPv4Option(AbstractIPOption[ipaddress.IPv4Address]): """ Abstract base class for IPv4 options. """ _format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] = struct.Struct("!B4sBBH") _address_type = ipaddress.IPv4Address _family = socket.AF_INET def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: nocover if isinstance(self.l4proto, L4Protocols): return f"{self.address}:{self.port} ({})" else: return f"{self.address}:{self.port} (protocol={self.l4proto:#x})"
[docs]class AbstractIPv6Option(AbstractIPOption[ipaddress.IPv6Address]): """ Abstract base class for IPv6 options. """ _format: typing.ClassVar[struct.Struct] = struct.Struct("!B16sBBH") _address_type = ipaddress.IPv6Address _family = socket.AF_INET6 def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: nocover if isinstance(self.l4proto, L4Protocols): return f"{self.address}:{self.port} ({})" else: return f"{self.address}:{self.port} (protocol={self.l4proto:#x})"
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register class IPv4EndpointOption(AbstractIPv4Option, EndpointOption[ipaddress.IPv4Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x04
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register class IPv4MulticastOption(AbstractIPv4Option, MulticastOption[ipaddress.IPv4Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x14
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class IPv4SDEndpointOption(AbstractIPv4Option, SDEndpointOption[ipaddress.IPv4Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x24
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register class IPv6EndpointOption(AbstractIPv6Option, EndpointOption[ipaddress.IPv6Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x06
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register class IPv6MulticastOption(AbstractIPv6Option, MulticastOption[ipaddress.IPv6Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x16
[docs]@SOMEIPSDOption.register @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class IPv6SDEndpointOption(AbstractIPv6Option, SDEndpointOption[ipaddress.IPv6Address]): type: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x26
[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class SOMEIPSDHeader: """ Represents a SOMEIP SD packet. """ entries: typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDEntry, ...] options: typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDOption, ...] = () flag_reboot: bool = False flag_unicast: bool = True flags_unknown: int = 0
[docs] def resolve_options(self): """ resolves all `entries`' options from `options` list. :return: a new :class:`SOMEIPSDHeader` instance with entries with resolved options """ entries = [e.resolve_options(self.options) for e in self.entries] return dataclasses.replace(self, entries=tuple(entries))
[docs] def assign_option_indexes(self): """ assigns option indexes to all `entries` and builds the `options` list. :return: a new :class:`SOMEIPSDHeader` instance with entries with assigned options indexes """ options = list(self.options) entries = [e.assign_option_index(options) for e in self.entries] return dataclasses.replace(self, entries=tuple(entries), options=tuple(options))
def __str__(self): # pragma: nocover entries = "\n".join(str(e) for e in self.entries) return f"""reboot={self.flag_reboot}, unicast={self.flag_unicast}, entries: {entries}"""
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, buf: bytes) -> typing.Tuple[SOMEIPSDHeader, bytes]: """ parses SOMEIP SD packet in `buf` :param buf: buffer containing SOMEIP packet :raises ParseError: if the packet contained invalid data, such as out-of-bounds lengths or failing :meth:`SOMEIPSDEntry.parse` and :meth:`SOMEIPSDOption.parse` :return: tuple (S, B) where S is the parsed :class:`SOMEIPSDHeader` instance and B is the unparsed rest of `buf` """ if len(buf) < 12: raise ParseError(f"can not parse SOMEIPSDHeader, got only {len(buf)} bytes") flags = buf[0] entries_length = struct.unpack("!I", buf[4:8])[0] rest_buf = buf[8:] if len(rest_buf) < entries_length + 4: raise ParseError( f"can not parse SOMEIPSDHeader, entries length too big" f" ({entries_length})" ) entries_buffer, rest_buf = rest_buf[:entries_length], rest_buf[entries_length:] options_length = struct.unpack("!I", rest_buf[:4])[0] rest_buf = rest_buf[4:] if len(rest_buf) < options_length: raise ParseError( f"can not parse SOMEIPSDHeader, options length too big" f" ({options_length}" ) options_buffer, rest_buf = rest_buf[:options_length], rest_buf[options_length:] options = [] while options_buffer: option, options_buffer = SOMEIPSDOption.parse(options_buffer) options.append(option) entries = [] while entries_buffer: entry, entries_buffer = SOMEIPSDEntry.parse(entries_buffer, len(options)) entries.append(entry) flag_reboot = bool(flags & 0x80) flags &= ~0x80 flag_unicast = bool(flags & 0x40) flags &= ~0x40 parsed = cls( flag_reboot=flag_reboot, flag_unicast=flag_unicast, flags_unknown=flags, entries=tuple(entries), options=tuple(options), ) return parsed, rest_buf
[docs] def build(self) -> bytes: """ builds the byte representation of this SOMEIP SD packet. :raises struct.error: if any attribute was out of range for serialization :raises ValueError: from :meth:`` :return: the byte representation """ flags = self.flags_unknown if self.flag_reboot: flags |= 0x80 if self.flag_unicast: flags |= 0x40 buf = bytearray([flags, 0, 0, 0]) entries_buf = b"".join( for e in self.entries) options_buf = b"".join( for e in self.options) buf += struct.pack("!I", len(entries_buf)) buf += entries_buf buf += struct.pack("!I", len(options_buf)) buf += options_buf return buf