Source code for someip.service

Simple service implementation. Probably lacking a few things, such as multicast
eventgroups and more than basic option handling.

See ``tools/`` for a basic usage example.
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import collections
import dataclasses
import functools
import warnings
import typing

from someip import header, config, sd, utils

_T_METHOD_HANDLER = typing.Callable[
    [header.SOMEIPHeader, header._T_SOCKNAME], typing.Optional[bytes]

[docs]class MalformedMessageError(Exception): pass
# TODO implement multicast events
[docs]class SimpleEventgroup: """ set :attr:`values` to the current value, call :meth:`notify_once` to immediately notify subscribers about new value. New subscribers will be notified about the current :attr:`values`. """ def __init__( self, service: SimpleService, id: int, interval: typing.Optional[float] = None ): """ :param service: the service this group belongs to :param id: the event group ID that this group can be subscribed on """ = id self.service = service self.log = service.log.getChild(f"evgrp-{id:04x}") self.subscribed_endpoints: typing.Set[header.EndpointOption[typing.Any]] = set() self.notification_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task[None]] = None if interval: self.notification_task = asyncio.create_task(self.cyclic_notify(interval)) self.has_clients = asyncio.Event() self.values: typing.Dict[int, bytes] = {} """ the current value for each event to send out as notification payload. """ @utils.log_exceptions() async def _notify_single( self, endpoint: header.EndpointOption[typing.Any], events: typing.Iterable[int], label: str, ) -> None: addr = await endpoint.addrinfo() msgbuf = bytearray() for event_id in events: payload = self.values[event_id]"%s notify 0x%04x to %r: %r", label, event_id, addr, payload) _, session_id = self.service.session_storage.assign_outgoing(addr) hdr = header.SOMEIPHeader( service_id=self.service.service_id, method_id=0x8000 | event_id, client_id=0, session_id=session_id, message_type=header.SOMEIPMessageType.NOTIFICATION, interface_version=self.service.version_major, payload=payload, ) msgbuf += if msgbuf: self.service.send(msgbuf, addr) @utils.log_exceptions() async def _notify_all(self, events: typing.Iterable[int], label: str): await asyncio.gather( *[ self._notify_single(ep, events=events, label=label) for ep in self.subscribed_endpoints ] )
[docs] def notify_once(self, events: typing.Iterable[int]): """ Send a notification for all given event ids to all subscribers using the current event values set in :attr:`values`. """ if not self.has_clients.is_set(): return asyncio.create_task(self._notify_all(events=events, label="event"))
[docs] @utils.log_exceptions() async def cyclic_notify(self, interval: float) -> None: """ Schedule notifications for all events to all subscribers with a given interval. This coroutine is scheduled as a task by :meth:`__init__` if given a non-zero interval. :param interval: how much time to wait before sending the next notification """ while True: await self.has_clients.wait() # client subscription already sent first notification. # wait for one interval *before* sending next await asyncio.sleep(interval) await self._notify_all(events=self.values.keys(), label="cyclic")
[docs] def subscribe(self, endpoint: header.EndpointOption[typing.Any]) -> None: """ Called by :class:`SimpleService` when a new subscription for this eventgroup was received. Triggers a notification of the current value to be sent to the subscriber. """ self.subscribed_endpoints.add(endpoint) self.has_clients.set() # send initial eventgroup notification asyncio.create_task( self._notify_single(endpoint, events=self.values.keys(), label="initial") )
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, endpoint: header.EndpointOption[typing.Any]) -> None: """ Called by :class:`SimpleService` when a subscription for this eventgroup runs out. """ self.subscribed_endpoints.remove(endpoint) if not self.subscribed_endpoints: self.has_clients.clear()
[docs]class SimpleService(sd.SOMEIPDatagramProtocol, sd.ServerServiceListener): service_id: typing.ClassVar[int] version_major: typing.ClassVar[int] version_minor: typing.ClassVar[int] def __init__(self, instance_id: int): """ override, call super().__init__() followed by :meth:`register_method` and :meth:`register_cyclic_eventgroup` """ super().__init__() self.clients: typing.DefaultDict[ int, typing.Set[sd.EventgroupSubscription] ] = collections.defaultdict(set) self.eventgroups: typing.Dict[int, SimpleEventgroup] = {} self.methods: typing.Dict[int, _T_METHOD_HANDLER] = {} self.instance_id: int = instance_id self.log = self.log.getChild(f"service-{self.service_id:04x}-{instance_id:04x}")
[docs] def register_method(self, id: int, handler: _T_METHOD_HANDLER) -> None: """ register a SOME/IP method with the given id on this service. Incoming requests matching the given id will be dispatched to the handler. Callbacks can raise :exc:`MalformedMessageError` to generate an error response with return code :data:`someip.header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_MALFORMED_MESSAGE` :param id: the method ID :param handler: the callback to handle the request """ if id in self.methods: raise KeyError(f"method with id {id:#x} already registered on {self}") self.methods[id] = handler
[docs] def register_eventgroup(self, eventgroup: SimpleEventgroup) -> None: """ register an eventgroup on this service. Incoming subscriptions will be handled and passed to the given eventgroup. :param eventgroup: """ if in self.eventgroups: raise KeyError( f"eventgroup with id {} already registered on {self}" ) self.eventgroups[] = eventgroup
@functools.cached_property def _endpoint(self) -> header.SOMEIPSDOption: sockname = self.transport.get_extra_info("sockname") return config.Eventgroup._sockaddr_to_endpoint(sockname, header.L4Protocols.UDP)
[docs] def as_config(self): return config.Service( self.service_id, self.instance_id, self.version_major, self.version_minor, options_1=(self._endpoint,), eventgroups=frozenset(self.eventgroups.keys()), )
[docs] @classmethod async def start_datagram_endpoint( cls, instance_id: int, announcer: sd.ServiceAnnouncer, local_addr: sd._T_OPT_SOCKADDR = None, ): # pragma: nocover """ create a unicast datagram endpoint for this service and register it with the service discovery announcer. :param instance_id: the service instance ID for this service :param announcer: the SD protocol instance that will announce this service :param local_addr: a local address to bind to (default: any) """ _, prot = await cls.create_unicast_endpoint(instance_id, local_addr=local_addr) prot.start_announce(announcer) return prot
[docs] def start_announce(self, announcer: sd.ServiceAnnouncer): instance = sd.ServiceInstance( self.as_config(), self, announcer, announcer.timings ) announcer.announce_service(instance)
[docs] def stop_announce(self, announcer: sd.ServiceAnnouncer): announcer.stop_announce_service(self.as_config(), self)
[docs] def stop(self): # pragma: nocover self.transport.close()
[docs] def message_received( self, someip_message: header.SOMEIPHeader, addr: header._T_SOCKNAME, multicast: bool, ) -> None: if multicast: warnings.warn( "Service packet received over multicast - this does not make sense." " You probably created the wrong type of socket for this service.", stacklevel=2, ) return if someip_message.service_id != self.service_id: self.log.warning("received message for unknown service: %r", someip_message) self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_UNKNOWN_SERVICE ) return if someip_message.interface_version != self.version_major: self.log.warning( "received message for incompatible service version: %r", someip_message ) self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_WRONG_INTERFACE_VERSION ) return method = self.methods.get(someip_message.method_id) if method is None: self.log.warning( "received message for unknown method id: %r", someip_message ) self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_UNKNOWN_METHOD ) return if someip_message.message_type not in ( header.SOMEIPMessageType.REQUEST, header.SOMEIPMessageType.REQUEST_NO_RETURN, ): self.log.warning( "received message with bad message type: %r", someip_message ) self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE ) return if someip_message.return_code != header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_OK: self.log.warning( "received message with bad return code: %r", someip_message ) self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE ) return "%r calling %s: %r", addr, method, someip_message.payload, ) try: response = method(someip_message, addr) except MalformedMessageError: self.send_error_response( someip_message, addr, header.SOMEIPReturnCode.E_MALFORMED_MESSAGE ) return if ( response is not None and someip_message.message_type == header.SOMEIPMessageType.REQUEST ): self.send_positive_response(someip_message, addr, payload=response)
[docs] def send_error_response( self, msg: header.SOMEIPHeader, addr: header._T_SOCKNAME, return_code: header.SOMEIPReturnCode, ) -> None: resp = dataclasses.replace( msg, message_type=header.SOMEIPMessageType.ERROR, return_code=return_code, payload=b"", ) self.send(, addr)
[docs] def send_positive_response( self, msg: header.SOMEIPHeader, addr: header._T_SOCKNAME, payload: bytes = b"", ) -> None: resp = dataclasses.replace( msg, message_type=header.SOMEIPMessageType.RESPONSE, payload=payload ) self.send(, addr)
[docs] def client_subscribed( self, subscription: sd.EventgroupSubscription, source: header._T_SOCKNAME, ) -> None: try: evgrp = self.eventgroups.get( assert ( evgrp ), f"{self}.client_subscribed called with unknown subscription id" if len(subscription.endpoints) != 1: self.log.error( "client tried to subscribe with multiple endpoints from %r:\n%s", source, subscription, ) raise sd.NakSubscription"client_subscribed from %r: %s", source, subscription) ep = next(iter(subscription.endpoints)) evgrp.subscribe(ep) except Exception as exc: self.log.exception( "client_subscribed from %r: %s failed", source, subscription ) raise sd.NakSubscription from exc
[docs] def client_unsubscribed( self, subscription: sd.EventgroupSubscription, source: header._T_SOCKNAME ) -> None: try: evgrp = self.eventgroups.get( assert ( evgrp ), f"{self}.client_unsubscribed called with unknown subscription id" ep = next(iter(subscription.endpoints)) evgrp.unsubscribe(ep)"client_unsubscribed from %r: %s", source, subscription) except KeyError: self.log.warning( "client_unsubscribed unknown from %r: %s", source, subscription )